
Green Express Train: All you need to know before booking

Green Express Train
Everything you need to know about the Green Express Train - Tips, best price, office, how to buy tickets, train schedule, pros and cons.

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Sapa town is located in Lao Cai and it is one of the most famous destinations in the Northwest of Vietnam. Called with the romantic name “fog town”, Sapa with its fairy-like beauty is always a dream destination for couples. This is the destination that converges all the elements for a romantic vacation such as charming nature, cool weather, misty mist, delicious food and unique highland culture.

Green Train from Hanoi to Sapa Source: Internet

To visit this beautiful place, you can consider the Green Express train to be your means of transportation. Here is some information about it:

Something about Green Express Train


The Green Train Express fleet is divided into two service levels, cabin 4 and cabin 6, which will help you have more choices for your trip. If you want to be spacious and luxurious, you can choose a 4-bed soft wood-paneled compartment; If you want to save money but are equally comfortable and convenient, you can choose the 6-air-conditioned compartment – wood paneling at a lower price.

Green Train from Hanoi to Sapa

Source: Internet

Ticket price:

  • Compartment with 6 wood paneled air conditioners: 650.000 VND/ one-way ticket, 1.300.000 VND/ round-trip ticket
  • Compartment with 4 air conditioners: 750.000 VND/ one-way ticket, 1.500.000 VND/ round-trip ticket

Service includes:

– Train tickets HN – LC (according to standards)

– Mineral water and cold towels served according to the itinerary

– Free ticket delivery upon customer request.

– 10% VAT

Train schedule

Hanoi – Lao Cai route

Pick up/Drop off point in Hanoi: Tran Quy Cap station – Terminal 6 entrance.

Pick up/Drop off point in Sapa: 318 Khanh Yen, Lao Cai, 30 meters from Lao Cai station

Train SP1: Departure time: 21:30; Arrival time: 5:15

Train SP3: Departure time: 22:00; Arrival time: 6:20

Lao Cai – Hanoi route:

Pick up/Drop off point in Sapa: 318 Khanh Yen, Lao Cai, 30 meters from Lao Cai station

Pick up/Drop off point in Hanoi: Tran Quy Cap station – Terminal 6 entrance.

Train SP2: Departure time: 20:30; Arrival time: 4:45

Train SP4: Departure time: 21:05; Arrival time: 5:45

Service on board

Green Express SaPa train was launched in 2008 to serve the travel needs of high-quality tourists, invested in new and renovated cars twice a year, each car has 7 cabins and Each cabin has 4 beds. The car is equipped with modern equipment, including on-board sanitary equipment, scientific bedroom layout, bottled water, cakes and free wifi on the train.

Green Train from Hanoi to Sapa

Source: Internet

Green Train Express brand belonging to Hanoi railway company is always considered as one of the most reputable sleeper train ticket service providers along the route: Hanoi – Lao Cai – Hanoi. Daily Green Train Express departs to Lao Cai and vice versa with 02 trains, each train has 07 rooms, each room has 04 beds.

These trains are designed with sophistication and grace and are equipped with luxurious interiors such as: individual reading lights, personal luggage storage area, two-way air-conditioning, and a harmonious lighting system. which creates a feeling of luxury and comfort for each traveler when enjoying the service of Green Train Express on the journey from Hanoi – Lao Cai – Hanoi.

Green Train from Hanoi to Sapa

Source: Internet

Green Train Express has 02 carriages, each with 07 rooms and 04 beds, that depart for Lao Cai and return. These trains include opulent interiors with features like individual reading lamps, personal luggage storage areas, two-way air conditioning, and lighting systems. They are also very softly and tastefully constructed. harmony that gives each visitor a sense of luxury and comfort…

There are also toilets on the train at both ends of the carriage and a clean wash basin. Passengers taking the train will receive free toothbrushes, 1 bottle of drinking water, cold towels and snacks.

Pros and cons of Green Express Train

Pros of Green Express

High quality

The interior of the carriages has been upgraded with high-class materials, designed in a modern and spacious style, creating coolness, a new and comfortable feeling with the most 3 characteristics: the most luxurious interior, the highest-class service, the fare is not higher than other trains of the same type.

Green Train from Hanoi to Sapa

Source: Internet

Good utilities

The cabin is modernly designed, each cabin has an LCD TV screen, a small bedside reading lamp, a trash can, a luggage compartment, a central air conditioning system, a safety door latch. The toilet at the end of the corridor is very clean, the large sink is covered with granite.

Green Train from Hanoi to Sapa

Source: Internet

Cons of Green Express

Few departures

Green Express train has very few departures, every night runs 2 hours at 21:35, 22:00 and currently due to the Covid situation, the train only runs from Hanoi to Lao Cai on Thursdays and Fridays and vice versa. Every Sunday.

The train only goes to Lao Cai station, not directly to Sapa

Since the railway currently only runs to Lao Cai, there is no direct train to Sapa and the Green Express train is no exception. To get to Sapa, guests must take a bus, coach or taxi from Lao Cai station to Sapa with a distance of more than 30km, time about 1 hour.

Green Train from Hanoi to Sapa

Source: Internet

Sapa is a tourism destination that attracts a lot of both domestic and foreign tourists, so train agents and travel companies often “embrace” all the beautiful seats, especially on weekends or high season. points, so to get the right seat on the train for a more exciting experience, please get in touch with us through this link right now!


What is the phone number of Green Express Train?

In case of any information changes or problems, please contact WhatsApp: +84886766031.

How much does a Green Express train ticket cost?

Currently, the ticket price for Fansipan Express Train ranges from 33 to 66 USD

On which routes does the Green Express train operate?

The routes of Green Express Train include: going to Sapa – Lao Cai from Hanoi

What time does the Green depart in Hanoi?

The Green departs at 21:30 and 22:00 in Hanoi station

What time does the Green depart in Sapa?

The Green departs at 20:30 and 21:05 in Lao Cai station

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how to get from Hanoi to Sapa

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