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Ngày xưa ta là bạn tốt, tạo sao giờ bạn copy của tôi!
Inexpensive, fast, daylight hours, many amenities, partially refundable, breathtaking views.
*SP3 train departs at Hanoi station at 22:00′. These train tickets will take you to arrive in Lao Cai province, then you have to take a taxi (25$ – go whatever you want) OR a local bus ($5 – leave at 5:30) to Sapa. *NOTE all prices will go up 10% during public holidays (pay later) – Holiday price 2023 will apply on the following dates: 20/1 – 26/1, 28/4 – 3/5/, 1/9 – 5/9, 30/12 – 4/1 (2024)
SP4 train departs at Lao Cai station at 9:30 pm. From Sapa, you have to take a taxi (25$ – go whatever you want) OR a local bus ($5 – leave at 5:30) to Lao Cai.
Fast, comfortable, flexible pick up, consistent prices, soft seats. Ticket price according to seat position: 02 first seats $18/person/way, 04 holding seats $23/person/way, 3 last seats $21/person/way